Saturday, November 9, 2013

I Debby challenge you Julie, week two

This week I challenge you to continue with the plank challenge. Holy Schmoly its getting harder!!! and to continue the yoga challenge. Learn the moves, and 'enjoy' the stretches. Eventually we will be challenging each other to Jillian Michaels Yoga!!! (I tried that once, and thot I twisted myself inside out. OK it wasnt really that bad!)

AND the bigger challenge, menu planning!!! The more I get to know Julie, the more alike I find that we are. AND I'm sure we are not alone in this!! Some nights when I get home, its dark, and noone else is here, so rather than make supper, I pull out the cereal and milk and load up the bowl (several times) Or have a piece or two of toast. OR have nothing at all.

SO food challenge for this week is to have a menu and to make sure it includes veggies and fruits each day!

What a boring looking post. I have to have at least one picture, so I leave you with this.

1 comment:

  1. Okay girl. A meal plan I'll work up tonight. I shop tomorrow so will get one together and see what I can do. Yoga it is and planks it is. It is getting harder and I need to do it more regular. I think I'm going to cut my exercises into a couple different times a day instead of trying to do it all at once. Time isn't allowing that.
    You did good this week Deb. I know no loss but we are just getting back into it and finding our path and getting on track is the beginning.
    Spaghetti squash, I have one on my counter to try this week. Never had it before so have to read up on how to even cook it.
    Good luck with week 2. We'll get it.
