Thursday, October 31, 2013

I Debby, Challenge you, Julie (week one)

To make sure each serving of food is really a serving.

Julie has a fairly healthy menu! She enjoys her fruits and veggies (BLEH).
I remember when I first started on this journey, I was amazed how 'off' my guesstimate of a measurement could be. Portion distortion!
Id pour a bowl of Cheerios and on My Fitness Pal, I count it as a cup. One day I decided to put the Cheerios in a measuring cup first.... I was actually  eating 1 1/2 Cups instead of 3/4 Cup!!!

My challenge to Julie is to concentrate on serving sizes this week. Weigh and measure and use portion control.

I am also going to be joining Shrinking Jeans Challenge of the month.
Planking!!! My core is so weak, and this is at the center of all exercise.
Visit the website for more information.


  1. Computers working better. Getting there. And I take you up on your challenge. Let's do this Deb. I did two planks today, 50 minutes of exercise and have ate yogurt and an apple so far. Not a bad start but than again, I do good at starting...let's see how I do at staying at it.
    Take care and good luck to anyone wanting to join us.

  2. a 3 min. plank... my abs ache even thinking about it :) but you will be building up to it each and every day. you CAN do this! good luck ladies.

